
Parts of Things: {{ format(parts) }}

Gain a part!

Boxes will improve your gathering speed!

Machines will gather for you!


Prestige will sacrifice everything you have made in the material world, but it will increase your universe's Degree. For every Degree, you gain a 5% bonus. You will also gain 1 Transcendence Point per Degree, which can be used for certain upgrades to increase production.

Your universe's Degree is {{ formatShort(degree) }}
You have {{ formatShort(tp) }} Transcendence Points

If you Prestige now, you will gain {{ formatShort(degreeGain) }} Degrees .

Are you sure you want to continue?


Total Parts Ever Gained: {{ format(total) }}

Total Parts This Era: {{ format(curTotal) }}


Transcendence Points: {{ format(tp) }}

Degree: {{ format(degree) }}

cursor icon Mortal Mediation

Increases the effectiveness of clicks by x2.
Level: {{ formatShort(mm) }}
Cost: {{ formatShort(mmc) }}
Current Effect: {{ effectMM }}x

stack icon Calculated Creation

Decreases the cost multiplier of everything by 5% (diminishing returns).
Level: {{ formatShort(cc) }}
Cost: {{ formatShort(ccc) }}
Current Effect: {{ effectCC }}%

tools icon Ultimate Upgrades

Increases the effectiveness of upgrades by 5%.
Level: {{ formatShort(uu) }}
Cost: {{ formatShort(uuc) }}
Current Effect: {{ effectUU }}%